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Turmeric, sassafras, cardamom, cinnamon, allspice

Our award-winning Golden Turmeric Bitters combines turmeric, cardamom, sassafras and cinnamon to create an earthy and warming bitter with a myriad of health benefits to boot.

  • anti-inflammatory properties combining turmeric
  • both turmeric and cinnamon are powerful antioxidants, serving to scavenge free radicals and preventing disease
  • cinnamon reduces blood sugar
  • decreases LDL cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol
  • cardamom decreases blood pressure
  • effective cardiovascular tonic.

Because of the plethora of health benefits offered up by the combination of these warming spices, the Golden is the ultimate health tonic. Use it daily and your body will thank you!

Old-Fashioned, Manhattan, The Liberty Nail, Staunch, White Negroni, Golden FashionedBourbon and Bitters, Hot Toddy with Bitters, Bitters and Tea, Old Fashioned Classic, High Altitude Mocktail



Cacao nib, vanilla bean, milk thistle, oregon grape root, cherry bark

Our Amores cacao vanilla bitters are made by infusing cacao nibs and vanilla bean with a whole lot of love (and, of course, some bitter herbs). Cacao—raw and unprocessed chocolate—is quickly becoming one of the most well-known superfoods, having one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants of all foods (20 times the antioxidants found in blueberries, to be exact).

  • Cacao acts as a powerful mood booster, raising levels of neurotransmitters and causing endorphins to be released
  • these same compounds which improve our mood act, biochemically, as aphrodisiacs; helping to improve libido
  • cacao is extremely high in magnesium, an essential mineral that dilates blood vessels, relaxing skeletal and smooth muscle, and leads to feelings of mental and physical relaxation and calm
  • milk thistle protects the cells of the liver as well as reverse liver damage

 Amores Melipona is truly a versatile bitter and can be enjoyed in cocktails or as added ingredient in desserts, such as chocolate sauces or on top of vanilla bean ice cream. Who knew something this decadent could be good for your health?

Manhattan, Old-Fashioned, sparkling wine or champagne, The Goodman, Willet Happen, Chocolate Old Fashioned, Wild Widow, Flat White, The Switchback



Licorice, rose hips, orange peel, anise, yellow dock, cinchona bark

Sweet Riza lives up to its name, distinguishing itself from other bitters on the market with the bold flavors of licorice and anise. The scientific name for licorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra, literally means “sweet root” and our bitter captures the essence of licorice, one of the most versatile herbs in the Western herbal pharmacopeia. The use of licorice goes back as least as far as the ancient Egyptians and was found in great quantities in the tomb of King Tut among his gold, jewelry and art treasures.

  • licorice is a powerful antiviral, soothing the digestive tract with its mucus membrane anti-inflammatory properties, supporting the adrenal glands
  • rose hips, the fruit of the rose plant is one of the highest sources of vitamin C
  • Anise also calms the digestive tract
  • yellow dock serves as a blood builder, its high iron content assists the body in the formation of red blood cells

 Through this unique combination of powerful herbs, Sweet Riza acts as an overall health tonic, something to that can be used on a daily basis to both prevent and treat a range of diseases.

Sazerac, gin and absinthe cocktails, Desert Bird, Grey Garden, Sweet Fashioned, Sherry Baby, Pink Lady, Old Fashioned Classic, Sazerac Classic, Bitters and Tea, The Summit, The French District





Ginger, lemon peel, fennel, clove, gentian, barberry root

Our Fire Tamer Bitters targets your digestive woes by combining three herbs well-known for their ability to squash nausea and stomach upset on the spot with ginger, clove, fennel, and lemon.

  • stimulates the release of enzymes and bile, aiding in digestion
  • both ginger and clove act as powerful anti-inflammatories
  • ginger and fennel are anti-microbial, stopping bacteria and viruses in their tracks

Moscow or any Mule, martini, Margarita, tequila and mescal cocktails, Bottom of the Barrel, Herbs the Word, The Summit






Lavender, chamomile, vervain, yarrow, wormwood, orris root, calendula, tansy 

Our Native Floral Bitters gives a whole new meaning to “taste the Rockies.” Combining the relaxing properties of lavender, chamomile and vervain with the immune-stimulating and anti-inflammatory effects of calendula, this bitter is sure to help you wind down after a long day.

  • Lavender, chamomile and vervain induce feelings of calm and improve sleep
  • Lavender and vervain are effective natural treatments for both anxiety and depression

Add a splash to sparkling water, herbal tea or a champagne cocktail and feel your tension melt away.

Gin and tonic, French 75, gin and vodka with soda or martini, Rose French 75Wildflower PunchGin & TonicSparkling RubyThe Native Sour





Habanero, jalapeno, green chiles, kaffir lime

Our Wildfire Spicy Bitters is unlike any bitters you’ve tasted combining vegetal notes, the bright and earthy tones of kefir lime leaves, and a spicy and complex symphony of flavorful peppers. Kaffir lime—the bumpy Southeast Asian cousin of the widespread Persian lime—is referred to as “asjeruk obat” in Indonesia which translates to “citrus medicine.”

  • Kaffir lime is used as a digestive tonic assisting with immune support
  • Chili peppers contain capsaicin, a plant compound that regulates insulin levels following meals and has also been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells
  • Capsaicin acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and inhibits the production of Substance P, a compound that is responsible for the swelling and pain associated with inflammation

Spice up your next cocktail or mocktail with our Wildfire Bitters and experience the tasty benefits of lime and peppers.

Spicy PalomaSpicy Pimms CupSpicy PearEquilibrium Cocktail






Raw, organic apple-cider vinegar, blueberries, mint, raw Colorado honey

Packed with blueberries' antioxidants, fiber, potassium and vitamin C, this shrub maintains the integrity of the fruit to help lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood, decreasing the risk of heart disease. Mint is excellent in the promotion of digestion as well as calming and curing nausea and headaches. Mint acts as a natural stimulant, waking the senses to battle fatigue, and has been proven to aid in alertness and memory retention.

Whiskey smash, bourbon, rum, tequila

ChartrashedBurn Away Mocktail








Raw, organic apple-cider vinegar, cherry, thyme, raw Colorado honey

Cherries carry with them powerful antioxidants such as anthocyanins and cyanidin. Their power to reduce inflammation aids in arthritis pain relief and post-workout muscle pain. Thyme is also a significant source of antioxidants, containing a number of flavanoids such as apigenin, naringenin, luteolin, and thymonin. This hearty herb is an excellent source of vitamin A and C, as well as dietary fiber, iron, manganese and copper.

Bourbon, tequila, whiskey

Summer CollinsCherry CollinsRancho Mirage








Raw, organic apple-cider vinegar, ginger root, pear, raw Colorado honey

Nausea or morning sickness, motion sickness, and any loss of appetite. The hearty root is also anti inflammatory reducing muscle pain or soreness. Ginger is also used as it may lower blood sugar reducing the risk of heart disease. Pear brings with it great benefits in antioxidants such as vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, a long list of anti- inflammatory compounds as well as a very long list of phytonutrients. Pears have been associated with the reduction of several chronic common diseases that develop from chronic inflammation and excessive oxidative stress.

Gin, whiskey or vodka mule or add a wild and spicy twist to a tequila cocktail. Gin, Tequila, Vodka, Whiskey

Strong Smash ShrubPresidio Cocktail







Raw organic apple-cider vinegar, persimmon, lavender, raw Colorado honey

Persimmons are rich in vitamin A, B6 and C. They carry with them significant minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and fiber. Benefits also include the prevention of liver and intestinal damage, the lowering of bad cholesterol, and the enhancement of endurance and stamina. We all know lavender for it's benefits in stress and anxiety relief, but is also high in antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used for its effectiveness to heal intestinal gas, nausea, upset stomachs, abdominal swelling, headaches and toothaches.

Vodka Lavender Lemonade, champagne, gin, rum, tequila, vodka

Grey GardenThe Treeline Gent







Raw organic apple-cider vinegar, peach, rose, raw Colorado honey

Roses are rich in flavanoids, tannins, antioxidants and vitamins A, B3, C, D and E making them super beneficial to skin care. Also efficient in cleansing the gallbladder and liver, helping to improve bile secretion and relief from constipation. Peaches pack a punch with rich phytochemicals that act as antioxidants. Used as a kidney cleanser in China, peaches have a diuretic effect that also cleanses the bladder. They contain great amounts of vitamins A and C, are great in battling anxiety and an upset stomach. According to research peaches have shown to inhibit the growth of tumors based on their excellent antimicrobial and antioxidant activity.

Champagne, gin, tequila, rum, tequila, vodka

The Peachy PalomaPat Sage ActGrace and Measure